Monday, September 6, 2010

Three more days of adventure

Here we are stopped along a muddy footpath 25 km east of Kumi, on our way to visit the farm of Pastor Ben.

I admit to being somewhat concerned at this point, wondering what on earth we would do should we get stuck so far from town.

Our AMA cards would be of no avail way out here!

The menfolk taking a closer look at the situation.

Pastor Ben oversees 9 churches in the Kumi area. Three years ago he decided to turn his overgrown ancestral land into a fruit farm. He was determined to be a leader, not only in the pulpit, but in finding ways to meet the practical challenges that his congregation faced.

He did not have much money, but was willing to research, experiment, and work hard. Every Monday he rides out to the farm on his motorcycle to work in the gardens.

Here he is with a papaya tree loaded with fruit, or from Pastor Ben's perspective ... cash flow.

We learned a lot of valuable information from our day with Pastor Ben, as he shared his insight into how the land could be more productive.

Our van was loaded with papayas, passion fruit, and collard greens, as we headed back to Kumi.

The next day saw us driving about 30 km in the opposite direction from Kumi, on our way to Tilling.

Along the way, we stopped at Joy Nursery School in Nyero to check things out. Another aspect of this trip's research endeavour.

With a determined effort we arrived in Tilling at the Living Learning Centre in daylight!

Ted got right into the welcome celebrations!

Meet Dowdy, the very much alive rooster being held by the woman in the photo. This lady was ministered to by the team last year. She said that they truly showed the love of Jesus to her when they came to the hospital to see her.

She also said how much a letter she had received from Connie had meant to her. When Dan offered to care for the bird, we were asked what it's name would be. Well, if it was a hen we would have called it Connie. But when we discovered it was a rooster, there was no other name to give but Dowdy (Ateso for David)!

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