
Past Projects
  • Living Learning Centre
  • Preschool
  • Truck
  • Repairing the Storehouse
  • Motorcycle
  • Ateso Bibles
  • Team Visit
  • Bicycle Purchase and repair
On-Going Projects
  • Sustainable Food Production
    • Chicken Production
    • Goat Herd
    • Planting, growing, harvesting, and processing
      • sweet potatoes
      • ground nuts
      • maize
      • beans
      • peas
      • cassava
      • tomatoes
      • sorghum
Future Projects:
  • Sustainable Food Production
    • Animal Husbandry
    • Animal enclosures
    • Collecting Fertilizer
    • Improved farming practices
  • Expansion of the preschool program
  • New building for preschool
  • Water Well
  • More Ateso Bibles