Winter 2011 Newsletter

One of the many joys of working with ARISE is travelling to Uganda and visiting the project. The people there are so appreciative of all that you are doing to help them improve their quality of life. They asked us to extend their gratitude and love to you. “Ayalama noi noi!” Thank you very, very much!

Improving food security is one of the top priorities for ARISE. We are continually researching ways to improve food production. A visit to St. Jude Training Centre near Masaka, was very encouraging. As we toured the Centre, we became excited at the potential we saw for Tilling. We also visited a farm in Kumi district, where acres of bush have been transformed into an orchard in only 3 years! (Check out Scroll down for entries on St. Jude & Pastor Ben’s farm)

The best part of a visit is always the people we meet. We were so excited to have the opportunity to gather with local church leaders. They were seeking practical ways to show God’s love to their community. When we proposed sending a group of local farmers to St. Jude for training, they were thrilled. They are eager to find ways to help themselves, and their neighbours, to become more self-sufficient.

Each morning, we ate breakfast with the excited chatter of children filtering in from the open window of the Living Learning Centre. Another day of Preschool was underway on the verandah!

2010 marked the first full year of operation for the ARISE preschool program.

The program accommodated 23 children, but the need is much greater.

Plans are underway to expand the program in 2012 with the construction of 3 classrooms and office space. Watch for more details!

If you would like to learn more about ARISE, have ARISE make a presentation to your group, organize a fund-raising project, or become involved in the project, please contact us.

Ted & Lynn Vanderveen, ARISE Project Directoss
