Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Papa Ted's Birthday

Today was a very special day in Tilling, as the GROW family honoured Ted's birthday.

It began in the morning with Joseph blessing Ted with Abraham's blessing in Genesis, and concluded in the evening with the older school children and staff blessing Ted with singing, birthday wishes, and a special prayer.

The Nursery School children presented Ted with a birthday hat they made for him!

The birthday hat was not the only unique gift.

Ted was also given an African kikoy. He's wearing it like a Masai warrior, but we thought it gave him a bit of a Father Abraham look, especially when Mama Kevina found a staff for him!

The GROW Nursery School children were very special guests at the party.

They sang and danced for him.

Then they gathered around and helped him blow out the candles. Ted gave them a quick lesson on blowing out candles before the big moment. They caught on quickly!

Cake was a new taste experience for many of the children. They loved the icing!

They couldn't wait to pray. They wanted to eat cake.

Cakes in Tilling are not easily come by. There are no ovens ... that we know of! This cake was specially ordered from a woman in Kumi (30 km away) and cost 50,000 shillings (about $25.00). To put it into perspective, lunch for 4, including cold sodas, cost less than the cake!

The oven that baked the cake is another story. Winnie has those pictures on her camera. Will try to get them on the blog another day.

Mama Kevina was, and still is, rather dismayed that the team came and went last year without planting a tree. She was determined that Ted would make up for it, and had him plant 2 of them as part of the birthday celebrations!

With the Nursery children looking on, Ted planted this umbrella tree seedling.

With a little help from his small-sized friends, Ted also planted a mango seedling.

Young Dan, manager of the poultry, had a special surprise gift for Ted.
He carefully selected 2 5-month old chicks, 1 male and 1 female. It is a gift that touched our hearts deeply for Dan has so little, yet he is willing to give so generously of what he does have. It was, for him, a costly gift.
Dan will be looking after the birthday chicks, along with Dowdy, when we return to Canada.
I'm sure we'll have enough chickens to trade in for a goat by the time we get back to Tilling!

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