Monday, September 13, 2010

Church Leaders' Conference (Sept 11th. Part 1)

The Living Learning Centre was a busy place last Saturday, as 25 church leaders gathered for teaching and discussion on how to become an effective leader in God's Kingdom and the community.

This delegate is a woman's ministry leader and the treasurer of the Gawa church. She's also a GROW Nursery School parent!

During the September 2009 ARISE mission team visit to Tilling, the team worshiped with the local Gawa church family, which is about 1 km from the Living Learning Centre.

Gawa church is 1 of 6 Pentecostal Assemblies of God churches in the sub-county of Kobwin. Together they form the Kobwin Assembly. Each church sent delegates.

This is Pastor Moses.

Ted taught the first session on the Kingdom of God, explaining that a leader needed to be a believer who was a doer of the word, putting the teachings of Jesus into practice.

During the 2nd session, this theme continued as Ted led a discussion on the Parable of the Good Samaritan, exploring how the Samaritan put the teaching of Jesus to love your neighbour into practice.

The discussion was insightful and inspiring.
Joseph, Mama Kevina's husband, was the interpreter for the morning sessions.

The 6 pastors were presented with NIV Study Bibles in English. The pastors were so excited to have this new study tool. One pastor told us that he borrowed a study bible to help with his studies in the Word.

This is Pastor James, the Assembly Pastor who oversees the 6 churches. He will be graduating in November from a 3 year course in Mbale, which trains pastors in theology and biblical studies.

This is Pastor David accepting his NIV Study Bible.

He was serving as the interim pastor at the Gawa church last September. He's currently posted at another church in the Assembly, but he told Ted that he will be returning to Gawa soon to serve as its pastor once again.

At a pre-conference meeting, a pastor said they wanted tools, not hand-outs. So, after lunch, the conference shifted its focus to look at practical ways to love one's neighbour, using what they already had in their hands, as well as some new knowledge tools.

Winnie, the ARISE Coordinator, Jana, one of the single parents, and Lynn shared what they had learned from a visit to St. Jude Family Projects (scroll down to see post on St. Jude).

The leaders listened intently and were keen to learn more on how they can help themselves, and their neighbours by implementing the integrated farming methods used at St. Jude. One of the most animated moments in the afternoon session was a discussion on biogas. After Jana told the group about the biogas stove she had seen at St. Jude, a woman stood up and said she wanted to see this biogas for herself!

The afternoon concluded with the leaders reflecting on the skills, knowledge, and talents they already had in their hand. Then, with each leader holding their list, we prayed that God would help each leader to begin to effectively utilize what they had to show love to their neighbour.

We are eagerly anticipating the 2nd and final day of the conference this coming Saturday!

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