Thursday, September 23, 2010

Special Moments from Tilling

Kevina's Hair Salon

When we heard of how one of the women who works for Kevina had a bike that needed repair, we decided to pick up a few parts for it since we were on our way to Kumi. Well it needed more than a few parts and lots of TLC!

In the end, we brought home a new bike for the woman. She was thrilled!!! We decided to go ahead and buy the parts for the old bike and leave the "bike repair challenge" for the youth to tackle. Look closely and you'll see the front wheel is not attached, among other things!

Fresh fish for lunch!

Meet "Sylvie" a surprise gift from Pastor David's wife when we visited their home at the Trading Centre in Kobwin.

Nursery school children enjoying a Saturday afternoon.

One of the younger delegates at the Conference.

Food at the Conference ... notes

Yoga! Hello!

During the 2 days of the Church Leaders' Conference hosted at the Living Learning Centre, there was a small army of people behind the scenes cooking up some fantastic food.

The food photos are in the post that follows this one. Unfortunately, there were some technical difficulties during the posting process, so you'll have to be patient. Instead of a word search, it's more like a photo search with long blank spaces between photos.

A few photos to look for ...
  • "tripe" goat intestines steaming in a pot
  • roasted goat lung on a stick ... another delicacy
  • posho in a pot (maize flour cooked into a doughy kind of bread)
  • an absolutely huge pot of rice and chunks of goat meat
  • a young helper cleaning up the papyrus mat after chopping cabbage
  • a hen and her family of chicks helping with the cabbage clean-up
  • Winnie and a few delegates helping to serve lunch
  • fresh beef being cut up for the 2nd conference day lunch
  • a delegate enjoying a deliciously fat noodle that is actually a piece of beef intestine
If you pursue to the end, there's a great photo taken at the end of the 2nd day of the delegates sending you a visual greeting!

Yogo do! Good-bye!

Leaders' Conference ... Food? Definitely!