Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chasing "Happiness"

After 24 hours of nonstop flights & layovers, we arrived safely in Kampala on time at 7:45 am. Jetlag hit with a vengeance about 3 pm and all thoughts of staying up until after supper went fast asleep.

Unfortunately, Ted woke up Tuesday with dizziness and nausea which persisted throughout the day. We are so thankful to God, that he woke up this morning feeling much better. And it's a good thing ... I can't imagine how rough the trip to Masaka might have been for him otherwise.

Masaka is about 1 1/2 hour drive southwest of Kampala. But, with the majority of the highway under construction, it took twice that long with potholes, dust, and the usual construction slow downs. Here we are chasing "Happiness". I had to wait another hour until we arrived in Masaka before I could open mine!

Last night, Winnie and Jana (widow from Tilling joining us for St. Jude farm tour) arrived in Kampala ... all the way from Kumi by taxi! A taxi is a van filled to capacity. Packed like sardines with luggage on your lap and the possibility of chickens at your feet. Poor Jana. This was her first trip to Kampala and instead of arriving by bus (Greyhound style) she had to take a taxi because the buses were full of back-to-school students.

Then to top it off today she has to drive through construction dust clouds, nauseous from motion sickness and petrol fumes.

This is the first time she has been more than a few hours away from Tilling and it's a bit of a shock. She is so courageous. Not knowing English, or the local dialect, she is dependent on Winnie to translate, not only the language, but so many others things that are new to her experience.

(Oops ... lost a photo ... I know Lawrence, you told me told to keep it simple. So I'm going to listen to you, and Ted ... he needs to sleep and that means I need to turn off the laptop, so I can turn off the overhead light and play musical plug-ins and turn on the lamp ...)

"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak ... So [we will] not fear, for [God] is with [us] ... [He] will uphold [us] with [his] righteous right hand." Is 41

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