Saturday, September 26, 2009

Lights in Tilling

Here it is ... the Living Learning Centre! It's so incredible to see it there. When I think back to two years ago, this plot of ground was growing beans!

For those of you who have been checking the blog, I admire your perseverence. The demands of the day, weariness, blogger inexperience, and my struggle with technology took their toll on my great expectations of keeping up the blog on a regular basis during our stay in Tilling. My personal recommendation is that the next team to travel to Tilling has a designated, experienced blog writer and a doctor. Both will go a long ways to relieving my stressload. Not that we needed the doctor this trip, but I would have slept better!

You may have noted the sudden appearance today of a post dated September 13/09 which ended rather ubruptly. It's a case of the lost being found, at least in part. While we were writing the original draft, our internet connection timed out and we thought we had lost everything. I just found this bit safely stored away in the drafts department.

One of the challenges of being in Tilling was keeping all the batteries from numerous devices charged. We went with several back-ups in place, but one after another they fell by the wayside. If it wasn't the battery, it was the amount of air time you had left on your phone, or whether the internet provider would come through that reminded you of how much you were accustomed to relying on technology.

Ted was focused on getting a solar power system up and running before we left Tilling. On the day the team left Tilling, a solar power technician began installing the solar power system at the Living Learning Centre. That night the switch was turned on and we had electric lights! The next day the technician went on his way, and we happily went about our tasks as the solar panels soaked up the sun's energy filling the batteries. As darkness fell we turned on the switch and ... something was wrong. Over the next few days Ted poured over the system manuals and tried troubleshooting. Finally, on the day before Ted and I left Tilling, the solar tech returned and discovered the batteries needed a setting adjustment. Immediately the lights went on and we had our laptop fully charged in only an hour!

I have a few more photos of the Centre and of the solar power system and will post them separately.

Love from Kampala

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